If you have ever had dry eyes then you know how extremely frustrating it is!

Millions of people visit their eye doctor each year because of irritated, dry eyes.

Dry Eyes Suck….What is it?

You have tears in your eyes. These tears help keep your eyes moist and oh so happy.  Your tears are not only made up of water…but oils and mucus are also in the mix.

Tears help keep your eyes moist and help move debris and other dust and infection away from your eyes.  Our eyes are so cool!

Dry eyes happen when your eyes are not making enough tears or there is an imbalance in the tear concoctions mentioned above.

The saddest part about dry eyes is that once you have it…you pretty much always have it.

Check out a few of the causes of dry eyes:

-Age- As we get older our bodies tends to dry out a little…dry skin, dry/brittle nails, dry hair….same goes for the tears in your eyes..dry

-Cancer Patients- Many cancer patients who have gone through cancer-fighting drugs have a side effect of dry eyes.  Cancer sucks!

-Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis are associated with dry eyes.

-Medications- Some medications like decongestants and antidepressants are linked to dry eyes.

You have dry eyes…now what?

Here at Stone Canyon Eye Care, we want you to have clear comfortable vision, all the time! Not just right after you add rewetting drops in your eyes.

There are some amazing technologies and advances that have been made in treating dry eye conditions.  Dr. Smith would love to chat with you and help you come up with a custom treatment plan to get your eyes feeling better.

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